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flavor food中文是什么意思

用"flavor food"造句"flavor food"怎么读"flavor food" in a sentence


  • 风味食品


  • Parsley is used for flavoring food
  • Cause there are graceful scenery , unique - flavored foods , variious and colorful folk customs and festivals
  • Edible germ species in yunnan is numerous , the taste is each different , is valuable " good food in mountain " in the flavor food
    云南食用菌品种繁多,风味各异,在滇味菜肴中是名贵的“山珍” 。
  • The hotel has 18 restaurants with different styles of cuisine offering both eastern and western - flavored food
  • Qingdao haoyuan aquatic products co . , ltd . - a company being engaged in processing aquatic products and production of flavor food
  • In promoting chinese culture cooking , cooking cause local prosperity , promote outstanding varieties , rich cultural life of the people eating the purpose of the food industry association of henan province , henan province hotel industry association , and other units organized by the association of chinese cuisine , henan liquor in support of the " fourth henan flavor food festival and the hotel industry in henan province chamber of the second session of flavor food festival " will be staged on october 13 to 16 in henan people ' s hall plaza was held
  • The food takes a very important role in human life . asia pacific gourmet complex of spring hotel has collected many kinds of famous food of other places , includes flavor food , indian tossing cake , guiling rice noodles , hunan fried dishes , guangdong desserts and so on . the hotel also has invited special class chef of shangdong cuisine to elaborate delicious food to meet your taste
    “民以食?天” ,斯博瑞饭店特设亚太美食天地,将异地名吃名点汇聚一处,各地风味小吃印度抛饼桂林米粉湖南小炒粤式甜品等,酒店还特聘了鲁菜特级厨师?您精心打造美味佳肴,充分满足您的味觉享受。
  • When the consumption of novel flavored food is followed by internal malaise , such as queasiness , diarrhea , bellyache and so on , animals will decrease or avoid ingesting the food with the same gustatory feature on the subsequent exposures . this type of behavioral change is referred to as conditioned taste aversion ( cta )
    动物摄取某种具有新异味觉的食物后,如果导致恶心、呕吐、腹泻等内脏不适感觉,动物便可“记住”这种食物的特殊味觉特征,减少或拒绝摄取相同味觉特征的食物,这种行为变化过程称为味觉厌恶学习( cta ) 。
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